The “Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat” Programme, aims to dynamically develop interaction between people of diverse and varied cultures living in different States and UT’s in India, with the aim of encouraging better mutual understanding amongst them.
As per the programme, every year, each State/UT would be paired with another State/UT in India for mutual interaction between the people. It is envisioned through this exchange, that the acquaintance of the language, culture, traditions and practices of different states will result in an enriched bonding between one another, thereby boosting the unity & integrity of India.
The broad objectives is to promote the spirit of national integration through a deep and structured engagement between all Indian States and Union Territories through a year-long planned engagement between States.
Under this Punjab state is paired with Andhra Pradesh state. As part of this campaign, every institute should conduct several activities throughout the year to create awareness and to know more about the paired state.